Khidki:(Window) Humari Funny Kahani is an Indian Hindi mini-series, which premiered on 28 June 2016. The series is produced by SAB TV & Hats Off Production. The series is based on users who tweet their funny stories in 140 characters on Twitter., casting director is Vineeth Pandey.

Every family has a funny story that’s revisited at almost every family gathering. And, even though everyone has heard it a hundred times, it still makes everyone laugh. Share such funny stories of your family with them and they’ll turn them into episodes, so we can share a laugh with the world. What’s more, you can also get a chance to appear on SABTV. Staying true to its brand belief of ‘Differentiation through Innovation’ SAB TV brings to its audience yet another unique concept. The channel in partnership with well-known television producer JD Majethia and Bollywood director Umesh Shukla of Oh My God fame has called in for entries i.e. stories from the common man. The entries should encompass unique yet funny stories that one has experienced in their lives, something that holds a special…
