Mohammad Nazim’s exit from the popular show on Star Plus, Saathiya (Rashmi Sharma Productions) has indeed created a sad moment on the sets. The man known for his spunky and...
Shooting down rumours that he will be judging a new comedy show, veteran Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh says "no one has approached” him for any show. There are reports that...
Drama alert!! Balaji Telefilms’ Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum on &TV never upsets viewers as it always has some high-voltage twists and turns in the daily up its sleeves. Now,...
Loyal viewers of Colors’ drama Thapki Pyar Ki (SOL & Shoonya Square) have witnessed many entertaining twists and turns in the series. The latest one is Thapki (Jigyasa Singh) turning into a...
Talented actor Tota Roy Chowdhury, who was seen in films like Angshumaner Chhobi, Shubho Mahurat and Chokher Bali, is all set to return to the small screen with Colors Bangla’s supernatural drama ‘Taranath...
Movie integrations are definitely a high point in TV shows these days! And what can be the best way to amalgamate movie with a crime show? Finding out a great...
Viewers of Colors’ drama Ishq Ka Rang Safed (FilmFarm) is all set witness some problems in ViDhaani’s lovely paradise. Why you ask? Well, with a new woman stepping into Viplav’s (Mishal Raheja)...
The actors of SAB TV’s Badi Dooor Se Aaye Hain, have been bitten by the cricket bug. The upcoming track on the show has a inter colony sports tournament lined...
Fans of Colors’ drama Krishndasi (Padmini Kutty & Optimystix) might become happy after reading the headline. Trust us readers though it might serve as piece of good new, unfortunately, what we hear...
Here we bring an update of the upcoming episodes of Aakash Aath’s Ek Masher Golpo: Bhrantibilash. As per our sources, in the days to come, it will be featured that...