As we approach the summers, actor Ridheema Tiwari’s new pictures are surely a breath of fresh air. The actor looks so refreshingly bright in the pictures, so much so that we had to ask her the secret to this freshness! “Well, the secret is a balanced lifestyle. Eat right, breathe right, rest right, inculcate discipline into fitness. Make sure you have the right meals and include adequate me-time. Feeling gratitude and love for oneself and life also helps a lot,” she says.
Talking about the importance of looking good in showbiz, Ridheema says, “Bollywood is a field of unfulfilled desires and inspiration, not only for those who embody it but also for those who passionately depend on cinema and motion picture as a release for their suppressed, hidden emotions. Cinema packages a larger-than-life picture of a world that may or may not be true and for a few hours, the masses transcend themselves into another world. A larger part of the audience relates to and gets inspired by their favourite heroes and heroines and may want to look, speak, walk and behave like their favourites. The actor fraternity is by default put into the perfection box, first by the masses, and then it becomes our routine too because we get used to the appreciation and love we get from our fans.”
However, your craft as an actor matters the most, says Ridheema. “A good actor has nothing to do with good looks. What makes an actor look good and stylish is his or her craft and the conviction with which he or she portrays the characters. If this wasn’t true, the finest lot of great actors we have had in the past and even today would have fizzled away. Thanks to the paradigm shift, the Indian audience now understands the difference between a Hero and an actor. Good looks and style is a bonus to get noticed immediately, but what takes one ahead is the art. Average looks or even not so good looks and immense talent shines through often. An actor, actress makes the character look good by his, her skills and that makes him, her attractive with their unique style and not the other way around,” she adds.