MUMBAI: Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji is a television series which premiered on 15 January 2019. With its storyline, the show has managed to make an audience for itself. The soap featured Donal Bisht and Ansh Bagri in the lead roles.
However, the makers decided to end the soap in the first week of August because of low TRP ratings. This sudden decision left the cast as well as audience shocked. Recently, the entire cast and crew of the show wrapped their shoot and were seen partying.
Donal took to her Instagram handle and shared a few videos from the last day of the shoot. In one of the videos, the actress was seen cutting a cake along with her team. She captioned the video as “And this is how we wrapped up”. The cake had, “Thank you team DTHHJ (Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji) we love you” written on it. In another video, she was seen enjoying with her cast and wrote, “Dil toh happy hai ji Last day on the set”.