Ghulaam is a Hindi drama serial aired on Life OK. Welcome to Berahampur, the city of crimes. The story revolves around Rangeela, who is a born slave to Veer. He...
Sher-e-Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a Hindi serial aired on Life OK. Based on the life of Punjab's greatest ruler, Ranjit Singh, it is a story of valour, patriotism and...
Har Mard Ka Dard is a Hindi comedy show aired on Life OK. Vinod Khanna, a middle class professor, is a man caught between the many demanding women in his...
Beyhadh (English : Limitless) is an Indian romantic thriller television series, which premiered on 11 October 2016 on Sony TV and Sony TV Asia. This show is being dubbed in...
Jaat Ki Jugni - Ek Visphotak Prem Kahaani (English: A Man's Woman- An explosive love story) is an Indian television show, which premiered on 3 April 2017 on Sony TV.The...
Peshwa Bajirao is an Indian Hindi historical period drama television series, which premiered on 23 January 2017[clarification needed] and is being broadcast on Sony TV. The series is based on...
The plot of the serial is centered around a mature village man looking for a bride and a young urban girl who is helping him find a suitable bride. During...
Controversy strikes on the sets of 'Ghulaam' again Life OK's 'Ghulaam' was recently in the news for a huge fight between two of the three the leads Vikkas Manaktala and...
The actress also has a request for all the fans. Life OK's romantic thriller, 'Ghulaam' wowed one and all from the time the show went on-air owing to its distinguished...
Wonder who it could be? Star Plus' celebrity couple dance reality show, 'Nach Baliye 8' has been in the news ever since its inception. First, for the judges and the...