Trideviyaan is an Indian Hindi Thriller television series, which is broadcast on SAB TV. The series is produced by Full House Media of Amir Jaffar and Sonali Jaffar. The series...
Chhote Miyan is a comedy show that airs on Colors TV hosted by Juhi Parmar and Kapil Sharma with Rahul Mahajan and Sachin Pilgaonkar serving as judges on the show.
Rising Star is an Indian version of the international franchise series Rising Star,[1] a reality television singing competition. It is based on the Israeli singing competition HaKokhav HaBa (meaning The...
Dil Se Dil Tak (English: Heart To Heart) is an Indian Hindi drama romantic television series, which premiered in 30 January 2017 and broadcasts on Colors TV. The series airs...
Ek Shringaar – Swabhimaan, (English: Self-Respect-An Adornment) commonly abbreviated as Swabhimaan is an Indian television series produced under the banner Rajshri Productions,[2] by Sooraj Barjatya. The show premiered on December...
Karmafal Daata Shani (English: The Lord Of The Deeds Shani) is an Indian Hindi historical period drama television series, which premiered on 7 November 2016 and is broadcast on Colors...
Devanshi is an Indian Hindi drama romantic television series which broadcast on Colors TV. The series aired on weekdays nights. The series is produced by Full House Media of Sonali...
The actress is all set to tie the knot (probably) this year itself.. 2017 is living up to last year's plethora of marriages and has already witnessed actresses Kavita Kaushik,...
Will we witness the real life couple, Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar UNITE on-screen? Star Plus' mystery thriller, 'Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai' continues to churn out new twists and...
Prem Ya Paheli - Chandrakanta is a romantic serial on Life OK. The twisted love tale of Prince Virendra and Princess Chandrakanta, who are reborn to fight the evil forces...