Second season of the Indian drama television series 24, also known as Day 2, commenced airing on 23 July 2016, and is broadcast by Colors TV. The show is written...
Colors' weekend show "Naagin," which has Mouni Roy (Shivanya), Adaa Khan (Sesha) and Arjun Bijlani (Rithik) in the lead roles, was recently in news when reports of the show going...
Kavach — Kali Shaktiyon Se (English: Shield — From Dark Forces, Armor — Against The Dark Powers) commonly abbreviated as Kavach is a finite horror series that is being aired...
Krishnadasi (English: Krishna's Devotee) is an Indian fiction television series, which premiered on 25 January 2016, and is broadcast on Colors TV. It is a remake of the Tamil serial...
Kasam — Tere Pyaar Ki (English: Swear Of Your Love) is an Indian Hindi romantic television series, which premiered on 7 March 2016, and is broadcast on Colors TV at...
Swaragini — Jodein Rishton Ke Sur (English: Swaragini — Joins the Melody of Relationships) commonly abbreviated as Swaragini is an Indian television series, which premiered on 2 March 2015 and...
Shakti — Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki (English: Strength Of Feeling Of Existence) is an Indian Hindi family drama television series, which premiered sometime in June 2016 and is broadcast on...
Bigg Boss is a television reality show broadcast on Colors channel in India. It follows the Big Brother format, which was first developed by Endemol in the Netherlands. Within a...
Mazaak Mazaak Mein is a Hindi comedy talent hunt show aired on Life OK. With Shoaib Akhtar and Harbhajan Singh as judges, five regional teams will compete to be the...
Bhakton Ki Bhakti Mein Shakti is a Hindi reality show on Life OK. It features stories of common people, who have overcome difficulties because of their immense faith in God....